Evelyne Llorente MD
Integrative Functional Medicine

Bemer therapy

How BEMER works
BEMER can improve restricted blood flow in the smallest blood vessels and thereby support the body’s own self-healing and regeneration processes. Circulation is the human body’s supply system, the heart keeps blood cells moving through the bloodstream. Blood cells must nevertheless supply and clean an area of more than 120,000 kilometres. It is only with the help of these supply and disposal processes that the body’s cells can perform their various life-sustaining tasks and provide the body with energy.
Since the heart cannot handle this alone, it needs help: the smaller blood vessels propel the blood cells through their own pumping movements (vasomotion), thereby supporting the heart. Their movements also regulate the blood flow in such a way that areas with higher supply needs at a given moment are better supplied with blood than areas that happen to have a lower need.
How lifestyle affects micro-circulation
Too much stress, too little sleep, an unbalanced diet, unhealthy living habits, disease, and of course aging slow down the pumping action of the smallest blood vessels. This affects the vast majority of people. Deficient supply to tissues and organs over the long term leads to a decline in physical and mental fitness, pain, disorders and disease.
Health benefits of BEMER
BEMER physical vascular therapy can counteract that process in a naturally limiting framework. Using electromagnetically transmitted signals, it stimulates the pumping movement of the smallest blood vessels, renormalising the blood flow in this area. The body’s cells are increasingly better supplied and start carrying out their many tasks such as: fighting disease and pain, healing wounds, providing energy for physical and mental performance.
Moreover, BEMER can also provide valuable support for amateur and professional sports. Needs-based blood flow in the smallest blood vessels enables shorter warm-up and cool-down times as well as faster regeneration and thus more effective workouts.
BEMER Therapy supports one of the body’s most important control mechanisms for prevention, healing, recovery and regeneration processes and can also be effectively used for:
Stress Reduction
Reduced platelet adhesion
Acceleration of enzyme reactions
Enhanced calcium, sodium and other ion movement
Improved cellular energy
Immunity changes
Amino acid changes
Repair of soft tissues
Free radical effects
Anti-oxidant stimulation
Brain function effects
Improved fertility
Receptor binding changes
Stress reduction
Hormonal changes
Learning changes
Scar modification
Enhanced metabolism
Water modification
electrolyte changes
Bone healing
Acceleration of bone formation
Autonomic Nervous System activation
Enhanced oxygenation
Inflammation reduction
Sleep improvement
Liver function changes
Enhanced wound healing
